Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Things to do before going for LASIK surgery

Do you have any sort of plans to undergo LASIK eye surgery in the near future? If that is the case then why not acquaint yourself with some of the important facts about this advanced vision correction treatment so as to ensure that you are playing any sort of gamble but relying on hard facts before going for it. By doing so, you will be to make informed decisions rather than playing Russian roulette with your precious eyes. So for you to be able to make some informed decisions, it is important that you go through the following facts about LASIK and then go ahead with your decision as to whether you should go for such a vision correction surgery or not.

First of all, you should really make some efforts to known your very own requirements before taking this step as the results of this surgery are going to last with your for a lifetime. So instead of letting yourself getting caught in the fad, think sensibly whether you really need this surgery or you can live with contact lenses and eye glasses with ease for the rest of your life. Also, there is no guarantee about the results of this treatment even though the success rate of this surgery is very high.

Once you have figured out your own requirements and expectations, it is time to invest a bit of time on finding the right surgeon for this surgery. Many people have this false belief that just because this surgery is being performed with the help of laser machines, therefore any person who knows how to operate such a machine can operate a patient’s eyes as well. However, that is simply not the case because along with the machine, it requires deft touch of experienced hands to get the desired results. So try to ensure that the surgeon who is about to perform such a surgery on you is highly qualified and experienced.

The third step is to find out whether you are myopic or hypermetropic. If you are the former and have a high refractive error, then you might need a repeat surgery, which in turn might require you to spend extra amount of your currency on such a procedure. So it is better to ask your doctor beforehand rather than witnessing last minute surprise.
And lastly, make sure that you are eligible for LASIK surgery as some people with certain eye related problems do not qualify for this surgery.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

LASIK Vision Correction Procedure in Sydney

How your eye focuses light decides if you have refractive error or you have a correct vision! Many people, actually almost everyone, once in a lifetime, suffer from some sort of eye-refractive error or eye problem. The change in the vision occurs, it might be minor for some and it might be major problem for some. The reasons of eye-refractive-errors or other types of eye-diseases can be:

• Ageing process

• Genetic problem

• Family history

• Lifestyle

• Work-loads, type of work or job

• Eye-care-routine

• Some medication or some sort of medical health condition

There can be many reasons or causes of refractive error of eyes. This problem is treatable. It was then, when surgical process was the only option which was associated with too much pain, suffering, recovery and downtime as well as cost. Now due to advance technology and growth in medical science we are having one of the most effective and most efficient treatment procedures to correct eye-problems and diseases which is none other than Laser surgery procedure. It is also known as vision correction procedure or surgery. A type of laser based procedure LASIK vision correction treatment is becoming popular in Sydney, day by day. This treatment is performed by expert-eye-doctors or eye-surgeons to correct refractive errors i.e., how your eye focuses light. LASIK stands for Laser in Situ Keratomileusis.

It has become the most common laser eye surgery that starts with the creation of a thin flap in the cornea. Eye-surgeon will use a blade or a laser to make this flap. And, the laser is considered more desirable by most of the doctors because of its precision. And, certainly if has fewer visually significant complications. Once the flap is created, eye-surgeon will then use the excimer laser to reshape the cornea. And this corrects the refractive error. The treatment procedure is complete safe and secure and gives great results. It significantly helps in eliminating need of wearing eye-glasses or contact-lenses as well. There are types of laser surgeries for vision correction and expert eye-doctor or eye-surgeon will determine from a comprehensive, laser-eye-surgery-specific eye exam which procedure is best for the patient(s).

Common questions related to LASIK surgery

Many people who plan to go for lasik eye surgery in Sydney find themselves in two minds due to numerous unanswered questions they have regarding this form of surgery. The aim of this article, therefore, is to provide people like you with answers to some of the common questions related to lasik surgery:

 Who is a good candidate for LASIK?

There are a variety of factors which come into play while making a decision as to whether a certain individual is a good candidate for this surgery or not. This is because contrary to the popular perception, not every candidate is suitable for this laser surgery. The decision of your eye specialist would depend on the results of a thorough investigation or evaluation of your eyes. Just like each individual has his or her own unique needs, similarly each eye requires careful examination without which it is not possible to determine whether the person would benefit from this surgery or not. Highly advanced technology is used not only for the purpose of treating different types of eye related problems but also to examine and evaluate eyes carefully. As far as the eligibility criteria for LASIK surgery is concerned, it includes certain factors such as stable eyeglass for at least a couple of years, healthy cornea and no eye related complication. In addition, you need to be at least 18 years of age to undergo this procedure.

 Am I too old for lasik eye surgery?

Age is not that much of an important criterion while deciding an ideal candidate for this surgery. Although the patient must be at least 18 years of age, but there is no upper limit as people as old as 90 years have successfully been operated with this technique. However, there are other factors that do need to be taken into account such as the overall health of your eyes and stability of eyeglass. It is imperative that your vision remains stable for at least a couple of years before you go for such a surgery. Otherwise, you might experience a deterioration of vision soon after the surgery.

 Is it safe?

LASIK is an FDA approved surgery. Therefore, you need not worry about its safety or efficacy as it has proved very successful and effective for people over the last couple of decades. Just ensure that you do go through a thorough examination of your eyes before the surgery to get optimal results.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Laser Eye Surgery Treatment

People suffer from different types of eye problems. Different people may suffer from different type of refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism and type of eye disease as well. The type of eye problem occurs due to several reasons. People may suffer from eye problems due to ageing, once is a life, a person face some sort of vision problem. This could be due to ageing. Some people suffer from eye problems because they have a family history of the same problem! Some people face eye-refractive error because they work over computer and such devices a lot and often forget to rest their eyes and take proper care of them.

Due to some medical health problem as well people face vision problems. There are treatment procedures to correct eye problems and to treat eye diseases. A laser based technique has become very purposeful for medical science. Laser based treatments have proved their efficiency and power to treat sort of problems. Laser eye surgery has become tremendously popular among people suffering from some sort of refractive error or eye disease. The type of procedure is also known as vision correction treatment or surgery.

There are different types of laser eye surgeries performed by highly experienced eye-surgeon for people. Which laser eye surgery is suitable for patient is completely an expert's decision. A proper consultation session is conducted. In which, expert eye-surgeon and patient sit together and discuss about the problem, and treatment. Patient's duty is to share every detail about his/her eye problem, medical history (if any) and current health conditions etc. Expert conducts some eye tests and examinations as well. It becomes important to determine the problem the patient is facing. It helps in determining how severe the problem is. And once everything is evaluated by expert, the type of laser eye surgery is decided. There are benefits of this type of surgery:

• It actually works. It helps in correcting refractive errors so that patients can have correct and clear vision.
• It helps in eliminating need of wearing glasses or contact lenses as well.
• It is a quick procedure.
• It is completely safe and secure.
• It is not associated with pain. A little discomfort can be felt by patient..To relax patient, expert uses eye numbing drops before the surgery starts.
• The procedure does not require stitches and bandages.
There are many eye clinics and expert eye surgeons offering variety of laser eye surgery to all people suffering from type of eye problem. By using internet people can search for eye clinics and eye surgeons offering best of the eye care services in vicinity.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Laser Eye Surgery Procedures in Sydney

Eye Correction Surgery based on Laser Technique has become tremendously popular because it is giving great successful results. A type of laser surgery to treat eye-problems, types of refractive errors and other kinds of eye-diseases is known as LASIK. It is also known as Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis. This type of treatment procedure has become most commonly performed laser eye surgery to treat myopia which is also known as nearsightedness), hyperopia which is also known as farsightedness and astigmatism. The advantages and benefits from the type of laser eye surgery are:

• LASIK procedure works by reshaping the cornea. Reshaping of cornea is done to enable light to enter the eye to be properly focused onto the retina for clearer vision.

• The procedure is pain free. However, little of discomfort can be felt by patient. To ensure patient remains completely clam during the procedure (to eliminate the discomfort) expert or eye-surgeon will use eye-drop to numb patient’s eyes.

• The procedure is quick and fast. It can be completed within 15 minutes for both eyes.

• It actually works! Yes, laser eye surgery is done to help patient getting successful results as an improved vision. It improves or it correct refractive errors, eye problems or diseases.

• The procedure also helps in eliminating the need to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses.

LASIK surgery is now for everyone. This means, a person(s) may or may not be a good candidate for a LASIK procedure. So in this case, a number of other vision correction surgeries are available, such as PRK and LASEK laser eye surgery and phakic IOL surgery etc. If a patient is a good candidate for a type of laser eye surgery or not, this is completely an expert’s decision, that expert finalizes after evaluating all details of patient related to medical history, current health conditions, severity of eye-problem or refractive-error and reports of examination. After evaluating every important aspect, eye doctor will determine which of the available procedures is suitable for patient’s condition and, if so, which technique is best. In Sydney, people can find many eye-care-clinics and centers where highly expert-eye-surgeons perform variety of laser surgery treatments for eye-problems and types of refractive-errors.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

How to find a credible eye specialist

Are you experiencing a bit of difficulty reading news headlines from a distance? Do you feel that most of the objects that you look at from a certain distance appear to be blurry or fuzzy? Then it is time that you do make a visit to an eye specialist in the city of your residence. However, if you have never had the experience of visiting an eye doctor before, you might find it a bit tricky to figure out which among the available options would prove to be the right fit for you. In addition to the number of eye specialists, there also exists a wide variety of eye care experts, each with different types of specialties. Therefore, finding an eye specialist can prove to be an overwhelming experience for you. In order to guide you, this short piece of article has been written which will provide you with a few effective tips that you should take into account while searching for a good eye specialist in your town.

First of all, you should kick off the process by seeking recommendations from not only your friends and acquaintances but your family doctor as well. Most certainly your family physician would be able to assist you in finding some good eye specialists in your town. Doctors usually have a list of doctors in their town. Also, being a part of the same field, they would have a much better idea and sense about who would prove to be a good fit for you and your entire family. So make sure that you do not ignore your doctor’s advice or recommendations as he or she can cut short your search operations to a great extent.

In case, you are new in town or do not have a family physician, then you can always turn to your acquaintances and relatives residing in the town to get recommendations from them. Consider the ones who wear glasses or who have had an eye surgery in the recent past, as they will prove to be the best ones to seek recommendations for such purposes.

You can also seek information from professional organizations and eye care associations as they have ample amount of information as well as resources, which in turn will make your job a lot easier. So do consider their assistance while hunting for eye specialists in your town as they can offer you some useful ways to locate good ophthalmologists.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Lasik Vision Correction in Sydney

Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis is a type of eye surgery based on laser technique. It is commonly known as LASIK in short term. And this has been the most commonly performed laser eye surgery to treat different refractive errors and eye problems. It helps n treating myopia  which is also known as nearsightedness, and hyperopia also known as farsightedness and astigmatism. There are different types of LASIK eye surgery performed by expert eye-surgeon in order to correct types of eye-problems and vision-errors people suffer from. Almost all types of refractive surgery work by reshaping the cornea. Cornea is reshaped so that light entering the eye can be properly focused onto the retina for clearer vision. There are several benefits of this type of surgery:

•    Generally, and in most cases, laser eye surgery is pain-free.

•    Laser surgery is completed within 15 minutes for both eyes.

•    The results are great as the procedure improves vision.

•    The procedure also eliminates the need of eyeglasses or contact lenses.

Many times, after consultation, examinations and evaluation, experts find that a patient is not a good LASIK candidate. In this condition, a number of other vision correction surgeries are available, such as PRK and LASEK laser eye surgery and phakic IOL surgery. The decision is taken by expert after evaluating severity of problem, patient’s current health conditions and medical background etc. An expert eye-surgeon will determine if which of the procedures is suitable for patient’s condition and, if so, which technique is the best. If we talk, particularly about LASIK, then in this procedure eye surgeon uses either a mechanical surgical tool called a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser to create a thin and circular flap in the cornea. Then, this hinged flap is folded back to access the underlying cornea which is also called the stroma. Then, some corneal tissue is removed using an excimer laser. There is this highly specialized laser that uses a cool ultraviolet light beam to remove microscopic amounts of tissue from the cornea to reshape it so it more accurately focuses light on the retina for improved vision. If you are seeking medical attention for your eye-problems, you can use internet to find out the available eye-care-clinics and expert eye-surgeons or eye-doctors offering types of laser eye surgeries and treatment-procedures, in Sydney.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Monovision Treatment in Sydney

Generally, when people reach their mid forties! For them, reading gets harder. In poor light-conditions they find some sort of difficulty in reading. They may need to adjust or hold things farther away to be able to read them clearly. Such condition is a type of major refractive error in eyes s it calls for a visit to eye-doctor. This condition arises when the lens and muscles inside the eye have become stiff with age. And people can no longer flex the lens to give it the extra power which is needed for reading. And here they need reading glasses. But in this condition need of reading glasses is different to the need of glasses for good distance vision. As reading glasses help distance vision for people only with long sight! This problem can be solved rather this type of eye-refractive-error can be treated by Monovision Laser Eye Surgery in Sydney.

 This surgery is done to restore youthful vision. This surgery helps people to gain proper eye-sight once again and enjoy having correct vision without glasses. After the procedure, people can do routine life-works such as read the newspaper, see a menu clearly, use a mobile phone, score your golf card in the rain, put on make-up and many more little things in life very easily without using glasses, which became difficult for them. Before any such surgery expert conducts a consultation session with patient. In the session, some tests and examinations are done. The reports of examinations along with patient’s health conditions and medical background are evaluated. And then after proper consultation, expert suggests which surgery to go with. During the consultation session for Monovision eye surgery treatment, patient’s weaker eye which is non dominant is identified and selected to be made slightly short sighted for better closer up vision. And patient’s strongest or dominant eye remains untreated. The dominant eye remains untreated unless patient needs treatment for distance vision as well. And in result, patient’s one eye sees well in the distance and the other sees close up objects well. And, after the surgery good vision for both near and far objects at the same time without glasses is achieved. These types of laser eye surgeries are performed by expert-eye-surgeons only. There are reputed eye-care-clinics in Sydney where variety of treatments and procedures are offered in order to correct different types of eye problems.

Friday, 2 January 2015

A Good Candidate For Laser Eye Surgery

Significantly, people need to understand if they are good candidates to go under laser eye surgery. A laser eye surgery suitability check for patients is done by expert-eye-surgeons. It is important so that it can be confirmed whether a person can undergo laser surgery to correct eye problems, or whether a person actually requires a laser eye surgery. Expert conduct proper consultation sessions with patients in which patient’s medical background, current healthy conditions, type of eye-problem or vision-error or diseases and its severity etc are examined, evaluated. Once the expert evaluates all the necessary things and check reports then the final decision is taken. In which expert suggests patients if they really need to have a laser surgery or not and if they do then which type of laser procedure is best suitable for them. In order to take right decision and to eliminate any complications and risks, the consultation session, examinations and evaluations are done. People need to understand that refractive surgery or laser eye surgery procedure is not for everyone. There are certain questions and points that a person should ask himself/ herself before considering laser eye surgery or other refractive procedures:

• Am I willing to accept a low but real risk of surgical complications? This is because, there is no doubt that laser eye surgeries are giving great results, still, there can be times when unavoidable complications occur that can negatively affect person’s vision.

• Does my career allow me to have laser eye surgery? This is because there are some organizations that prohibit their employees to have refractive surgery. So it is better to confirm it first and jump on any decision.

• Has my vision been stable long enough to have laser eye surgery? This is because sometimes there can be minor changes in vision of eyes from year to year. But if the problem continues to get progressively stronger each year, then a person may not yet be a good candidate for refractive surgery.

• Do I have any health conditions that make me a poor surgical candidate? As we discussed in beginning of the blog, that medical health background and current health conditions are important considerations.

• Some other points to consider are related to recreational activities that can make person a bad surgical candidate, age and other corneal diseases such as Keratoconus.