Friday, 5 December 2014

Laser Eye Surgery by Experts in Eye-Care-Clinic

Laser Eye Surgeries have become tremendously popular because of their effective results. If you wish to go under laser eye surgery, you need to be prepared for it. For this, you need to meet with exert eye-doctor. A proper consultation session is conducted by experts, in which they inform and educate their patients regarding procedure, before, during and after procedure of surgery, side effects, results and each and everything associated to surgery procedure. Expert will evaluate your medical history and present medical-health-conditions. Before performing any surgery or starting any medication, experts evaluate and examine patient’s medical history and current health conditions. This is done to eliminate any risks and complications that may arise due to medical-conditions. Your eyes will be fully examined. There will be initial tests including measuring corneal thickness, refraction, corneal mapping, air pressure, and pupil dilation etc. After the initial evaluation, eye-surgeon will see the reports and will tell you which laser surgery is suitable for you problem and he will also answer any questions you may have in head.

Let’s understand about the advantages of laser surgery procedure. This type of surgery corrects vision. It works, actually. Almost all patients, till date, have achieved their desired vision after LASIK surgery procedure. As laser surgery is associated with very little pain due to the numbing drops that are used, it is mostly pain-free. It does not require bandages and stitches. It corrects vision nearly immediately or by the day after LASIK. More importantly, adjustments can be made years after LASIK. Such adjustments can be done in order to further correct vision if vision changes while patient ages. Another important benefit is that it eliminates the need of wearing eyeglass or contact lens. However, the surgery procedures are performed by expert eye-surgeons in professional laser eye clinic centers, there can be some potential but temporary side effects. Some patients may experience discomfort in the first two days after laser eye surgery. Some may need to wear glare for few days, to protect eye from dust and dirt and intense light. They may find difficulty in driving at night and fluctuating vision. All these side effects are normal and temporarily. These side effects go away gradually, within two to three days.

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