Friday, 7 November 2014

Floaters in Eye can be serious too!

Have you noticed tiny spots, specks and flecks that drift aimlessly around in your field of vision? Those cobwebs! They are known as eye floaters. Eye floaters in the eye are very common. Generally, they are not any cause for alarm that you should start seeking medical attention. Typically, they appear when tiny pieces of the eye's gel-like vitreous break and loose within the inner back portion of the eye. Throughout a person’s youth-phase, the vitreous has a gel-like consistency. By aging, that vitreous begins to dissolve and liquefy to create a watery center. And, there are some un-dissolved gel-particles left rarely. They will float around in the more liquid center of the vitreous. And they can take on many shapes. They can be of different sizes too. A person having floaters in the eye notices these types of spots and floaters particularly pronounced when he/she peers at a bright, clear sky or a white computer screen. These can be visible while looking at something brighter!  Actually the shadow-kind-image is visible to a person. Also, these cobwebs or specks never seem to stay still if a person tries to focus on them. They move when eye moves. They just create an impression that they are drifting. And that is why they are called as eye-floaters.

As mentioned generally, their appearance is not a cause to alarm to seek medical attention but a person need to/ should seek medical attention immediately, if he sees a shower of floaters and spots. They may be, sometimes, accompanied by light flashes. The sudden appearance of these symptoms is associated with that the vitreous is pulling away from retina or that the retina itself is becoming dislodged from the inner back of the eye that contains blood, nutrients and oxygen vital to healthy function. This may cause severe eye-diseases or problems, vision-problems. Vitreous can invade the opening of retina, if retina is torn. Vitreous can push out the retina that leads to a detachment. There is a treatment for eye-floaters. The treatment is performed by expert eye-surgeons and is based on laser technique. Well, even in cases of retinal tear or detachment, patient must take action as soon as possible. This would help patient and an eye surgeon as well to reattach the retina and restore function before vision is lost permanently.

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