Sunday, 16 November 2014

Myths and facts about floaters

Not only are they weird but they are very confusing and quite wormy as well. And most of the people around the world would have to deal with them at some point of time or the other. We are talking about the floaters in the eye. So what are they? Let us take a closer look at them while getting rid of some of the myths commonly associated with them.

Myth 1: Floaters are nothing but just a trick of the light.

Fact: If you happen to be living with this myth, then you have been living with a lie all your life. The reason behind it is the fact that eye floaters are not any sort of trick of the light but arpe a sort of problem that occur inside our eyes. The cause behind it is the small pecks of collagen which tend to get deposited in small clumps due to various reasons, age being one of the factors. So as the collagen fibers shrink and turn into shred like structures, they directly affect the light which hits the retina present in our eyes. It is because of this reason that we see a range of structures floating around in front of our field of vision.

Myth 2: Eye floaters are a result of some serious vision related problems

Fact: In most of the cases, eye floaters are absolutely harmless. So you need not worry about them most of the times. The problem, as mentioned above, can occur due to a variety of reasons, and most of the times they do not become a matter of serious concern. Even kids can face this sort of problem but that does not mean that you have to get worried. However, if these floaters in the eye are giving you some serious problems, then you can meet an eye specialist who will diagnose the problem and suggest the treatment accordingly. Some of the floater related problems can be a sign of retinal tear or detachment. So if they are giving a lot of trouble, then you must get your eyes checked without any sort of delay whatsoever.

Myth 3: Eye floaters will go away on their own

Fact: A lot of people do not get their eyes checked because of the misconception that eye floaters will go away without any treatment. But the fact is that eye floaters never go away on their own. You have to get them treated.

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