Friday, 6 February 2015

Facts about monovision treatment

Are you experiencing a situation where you find yourself constantly adjusting the position of your book quite a few times before being able to read clearly? Then you might be suffering from a condition called presbyopia which makes it difficult for a person to focus at objects placed at a distance. And in many cases, people suffering from this condition find it hard to see the objects that are placed very near to them. This condition mostly affects people in the age group of 40s and 50s.

If left untreated, it can get worse over a period of time. This may require bifocals or reading glasses. However, if you want to get rid of this vision related problem once and forever, then the best option you have is in the form of monovision lasik treatment. This treatment has been specifically developed to combat this condition. It is achieved by leaving the non dominant eye a bit near sighted, which in turn allows the dominant eye to take care of the things related to vision. It is because of this reason that the treatment is being called as mono vision treatment.

Monovision can prove to be a bit challenging for some of the people suffering from presbyopia because not many find it easy to adjust to this condition. It can reduce your perception of depth to some extent as well as have an impact on night vision. Therefore, people with this condition should avoid driving at night as much as possible. In case you are really interested in monovision treatment in Sydney, then you will have to undergo an examination of your eyes where the eye specialist will evaluate the condition of your eyes and assess the associated risks before devising a treatment plan for you.

The doctor will also determine whether you are a good candidate for this surgery or not. You should also take your lifestyle as well as occupation into consideration before deciding to go for this treatment. For instance, if you happen to be a pilot or a driver or into some sort of sports activities, then monovision is not the right treatment for you.
Monovision lasik surgery is very similar to other forms of lasik surgery. It does not take more than a few minutes to perform the procedure, and the patient can go back home the very same day after the surgery. The only difference between these surgeries is that the former concentrates more on the dominant eye.

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